Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Packing Hose

Last night in class we learned more about hoses and how to pack them. We did a little bit of lecture inside and then went outside to pack hose onto the trucks. We learned how to pack 5 inch in a flat pack on the bed of the truck. We use this so that when we have to hit the hydrant with the 5 inch you can wrap it aorund the hydrant and when the driver starts to go the hose will fall off the truck in a nice flat form. This is good so that when you charge the line with the hydrant you don't get any kinks in the line. We also learned how to pack 2 1/2 inch. We practiced packing with two techniques. The minute man pack and the triple pack. They are both used with the same concept as the 5 inch. Get the hose off of the truck without it getting tangled and causing a kink in the hose. Depending on your department eveyone pack hose differently but they are all used for the same thing. I have packed hose with my company several times during trainings. Thursday in class we will be outside again and our written final is only 2 weeks away! I have a lot of studying to do!

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