Monday, March 28, 2011

Ground Ladders and Ariel Operations Cont.

Yesterday was a very long but educational day at fire school. We had school from 8-4 yesterday and it was freezing all day! Even with all of my gear on I was still cold. We started out the day doing minute drills. Minutes drills are when you put on all of your fire gear in under 1 minute. This includes boots and pants, jacket, helmet, gloves and hood. Then once we have all of our gear on we have to don our SCBA in under one minute and be breathing air by the time we are doing putting everything on. Once we had all of our gear on we went right to work with ladders. We started the day learning the different parts of the ladders and how to properly lift and carry them with your partner. The biggest thing with carrying ladders is making sure your partner understands your commands and that the area around you is clear of people and any overhead obstructions. Once we had this part down then we learned how to throw ladders to the building. We did this by ourselves with smaller ladders and then we did this again in groups with extension ladders. Once we had ladders up against the building then we learned how to do a leg lock. A leg lock is a technique used for ventilation. You basically wrap your leg around the rungs of the ladder and this helps you to reach to the side of the ladder and remain in control so you can break a window if needed. we did this a lot yesterday. We practiced leg locks on all different ladders and at different heights. After leg locks we practiced climbing the ladder with a tool. This is a little more challenging because you have extra weight on your one side and you dont have as good a grip on the ladder when climbing. Once the first four hours of class was over we took a break. After our break we got a chance to climb ariel ladders. Ariel ladders are the ones you see on a fire truck. We climbed up a ladder extended to 55 feet, climbed through a window, walked to the other side of the building, then climbed out a window and down a ladder extended 50 feet. If you are scared of heights than this would have been a challenge for you. We practiced throwing more ladders after this and climbed more ladders with our SCBA on which added extra weight to our bodies and makes it a little harder to climb the ladder. Once we did that then we did a little hands on with rescuing victims using ladders. I got to play the unconscious victim. We practiced bringing down conscious victims with our classmates. The biggest thing to remember with this is to keep the victim calm and how to restrain them if the begin to act out. This helps you keep them and yourself safe. It was a long and tiring day yesterday and my legs and arms are very sore today from all the climbing we did. This is a very important part of firefighting and we need to learn it. Without it, we can't save lives and homes.

                                                     This is what a leg lock looks like
                             This is me playing the unconscious victim with my instructor

                                               A picture of the ariel ladders we climbed.

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